Sunday, January 15, 2012

Validation without Scripting

You want to check/search in child Bus comp field values for some validation without scripting?.

For Example: 
       When the Specified Account has any child M Activities attached the Customer Activity flag should be true
      Implementation without scripting:
      Create a calculated field: Check Activity
  • Calc Expression: BCHasRows(“Account”, “Action”, “'[Account Id] ="' + [Id] +'"‘ AND  [Type] = “ZM”, ”,“All”)
      Return Y, if any child activity found.
      – Create a User property “On Field Update Set” to set the Activity Flag ; Value : “Check Activity”, “Activity Flag”
SyntaxBCHasRows (BO, BC, search_expr, visibility)
Where we can use: Calc fields, workflows, Data Validation Manager Rule, FINS Validator
Scenario 2:
If you want to get child Bus Comp Record count without scripting?

For Example: 

The End Date of any Service Request should not be modifiable if any child Activity Status is Active, the customer wants error message.

Implementation without scripting:
  • Create a calculated field: Check End Date
  • Calc Expression : GetNumBCRows (“Service Request”, “Action”, “'[SR Id] ="' + [Id] +'"‘ AND  [Status] = “Active”, ”,“All”)
  • Return child record count
  • Set Validation Property for Service Request  End Date to avoid modification
  • Value: [Check End Date] <1
            Syntax: GetNumBCRows (BO, BC, search_expr, visibility)

Where we can use: Calc fields, workflows, Data Validation Manager Rule, FINS Validator


  1. Hi Minaresh. Thank you for your post.

    I have a concern on the second scenario with the function "GetNumBCRows".

    Using the calculated field. In the search spec expression: “'[SR Id] ="' + [Id] +'".
    [SR Id] will be a field on the Action BC and [Id] will be the ROW_ID of the record where we are step on?

    I appreciate your support. Thank you in advance

    1. Here the GetNumBCRows is used in Service Request BC.
      and record is being searched in Action BC
      BO:"Service Request"

      SR Id is the FK ref in Action BC and the search value should be Id of Service Request

      Hence search spec is value and it returns number of records
